BreakBeat / KLUB | EVIL NINE



Date: 30 April 2024, 23:59 Tuesday


BreakBeat / KLUB (Retro 99-09)
We've prepared a meeting for our most demanding audience of broken beats.
23:59 - 07:00h
Cosmos Club
EVIL NINE Marine Parade
Rupe Totem
Lady Packa
Unsigned Mind
Elio Db vs Josheff Morales
The musical and artistic cocktail next Tuesday 30 April (holiday eve) is mainly focused towards our senior, selective and demanding audience of broken rhythms who were surely looking eagerly for a musical encounter like this.
We highlight our international guest; EVIL NINE is a blend of punk, rock & rap with broken rhythms, a group that stood out in the early 2000s and influenced an entire generation of artists and audiences. They managed to become residents of Fabric and pull out a lot of work for Marine Parade, one of the best stamps of the time directed by Adam Freeland.
The national poster is also not left behind, because we make a remember with Rupe Totem & Lady Packa, living history of our city, artists who for more than 3 decades began to bring electronics and BreakBeat to every corner of Andalucia.
We'll also have Unsigned Mind aka Rasco for the sounds of the most selective broken beats and other musical genres we're not normally accustomed to in the booth.
And to put the crust on the cake we will have a warm up of authentic category, musical selection and very fine taste with Elio Db vs Josheff Morales & Biotek.
Tickets ( Link in Bio.)

Location on map


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