With female voice: Clara Andrés



Date: 22 October 2021, 20:00 Friday
Place:Valencia, October Center of Contemporary Culture


Cycle of songwriters About this event Clara Andrés (Oliva, la Safor, 1977) has so far released three albums: Dies i dies (La Fournier, 2008), Huit (Chesapik, 2010) and Entrelínies (Mésdemil, 2014). He has also produced the album L’eix radical (Sotabosc, 2019) as a collaboration with Júlia. He has won several Ovidi Montllor awards and also the first Miquel Martí i Pol Award in 2008.

Clara Andrés is one of the most delicious voices in Valencian music, a combination of contemporary songwriting and pop and folk elements.

In October CCC we had the pleasure of hosting it in the first musical cycle that we performed only to open the center in the fall of 2006, in a poster that included artists such as Jabier Muguruza, Fameliars, Horacio Fumero and Marc Cunningham .

He also participated in the 2013 Hostes festival at our center.


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