Exhibition of Trump cartoons by Edel Rodríguez.



Date: 24 June - 12 September 2021
Place: Historic center


Looking for a transgressive exhibition? The Center del Carme Cultura Contemporània ( CCCC ) of València gathers for the first time in a museum the illustrations most critical of the era of the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, signed by the Cuban artist Edel Rodríguez.

A real recognition of illustration as a work of art!

With the title 'Edel Rodríguez. Agent Orange ', the exhibition brings together 124 works that can be visited until 12 September . On the walls of the exhibition, as' Street art 'or street art, different posters are displayed, as well as a selection of illustrations and cartoons of Donald Trump and the main and most controversial covers of the international magazines' Time' and ' Der Spiegel '; next to them, a 4-meter-high tsunami is engulfing the most iconic spaces in Washington.

The exhibition is complemented by eight life-size corporeal silhouettes of the exhibition's protagonist, Donald Trump, which surround the Gothic cloister of the CCCC.


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