Sorolla's best drawings



Date: 8 October 2021 - 9 January 2022
Place:Valencia, Bancaja Foundation


The Bancaja Foundation brings Sorolla back to its exhibition halls.

This time it is about more than 100 drawings with the drawings of the most international painter that València has given. Until January 9, the public or lovers of painting can enjoy the Sorolla exhibition. Draftsman without rest, with works that reflect part of the previous and constant work that this Valencian genius carried out before undertaking his paintings ‘The line at the beginning’, ‘Drawing, family, home’, ‘Great works, great drawings’ and ‘The modern city’ are the four chapters into which the exhibition is divided.

These highlight the different creative stages of the artist, from his training at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts, to his travels to cities such as New York or Chicago.

These essential drawings come from the collections of the Sorolla Museum and from private collections. Don't miss out on seeing these spectacular drawings! The exhibition Sorolla.

A tireless cartoonist, he awaits you at the Bancaja Foundation: Plaza de Tetuán, 23.


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