The work "7 queens"



Date: 11 February - 14 March 2021


The Sala Russafa in Valencia recovers ' 7 queens ' from February 11 to March 14, 2021 . This is the first of his co-productions with the Valencian company Arden. Premiered in December 2011, this play written and directed by Chema Cardeña sold out seats during its time on the bill. And it was expanded the following season, incorporating new actors and characters in 8 Reinas.

The piece mixes reality and fiction to peer into the interior of seven women, monarchs who had to exercise, conquer or maintain power in a world designed by and for men. Extraordinary women who are brought to life by Cardeña himself along with Jerónimo Cornelles, Juan Carlos Garés, Juan Mandli, Manu Valls, Saoro Ferre and José Zamit .

Inviting them to break roles, seven interpreters of the Valencian scene from different generations get into the soul of María Estuardo, Catalina La Grande from Russia, Isabel La Católica, Cristina from Sweden, María Tudor, Juana La Loca and Elizabeth I to show conflicts and machismos not yet overcome.

Their stories advance accompanied by the live music of bassist David Campillos and the voice of Rebeca Ibáñez in versions of songs by David Bowie, Leonard Cohen or Mike Oldfield , among others. Great classics in minimalist interpretations that serve to contrast, complement or underline scenes in which a bittersweet humor shows us a world little given to evolve in some aspects, no matter how much the story grows and the show continues.

Duration: 75 minutes

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