Scenes Of Marital Life


  • Scenes Of Marital Life


Date: 25 May - 6 June 2022


The play SCENES OF CONJUGAL LIFE, directed by Norma Aleandro, in which its two protagonists, Juan and Mariana, tell the audience a sequence of scenes that have to do with their marriage, and the relationship they maintain after their divorce . In a timeless environment and without specific references to any era, they indulge in a game in which they are alternately actors and characters, crossing the fourth wall and making accomplices to the spectators who inevitably are reflected in many of the situations that these two beings they are posed and can be funny, dramatic and even violent but they always have to do with love and the human condition. And that is the true value and success of this piece. He talks about things we all know, know, and have probably experienced.



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