Carolina Durante


  • Carolina Durante


Date: 26 January 2025, 21:00 Sunday
Past events
  • 25 January 2025, 21:00 Saturday


All my friends… listen to Carolina Durante. In just seven years, the quartet formed by Diego, Martín, Juan and Mario has become something more than a phenomenon: they have become part of our lives as if they had always been there. After the explosive emergence with Cayetano in 2018, when most bands could only have gone downhill, Carolina Durante did not stop growing. A long debut like Carolina Durante (2019), a home run of anthems for an entire generation, was followed by a rounded revalidation like Cuatro chavales (2022) and an endless number of concerts and festivals to build a community that today has contributed to generating an entire scene.
And now, what? Now, the next adventure: Carolina Durante's third album will arrive later this year and will share a name with her first single, Elige tu propia aventura, a ballad? with winds that certainly opens a new chapter in the band's sound and confirms that, indeed, the best is yet to come. January 25th of next year is the date chosen by these four lads to once again create an oasis of pogos, sweat, raised fists and endless choruses, this time at the Sant Jordi Club in Barcelona as part of the extensive presentation tour that will take Diego, Martín, Juan and Mario all over the country to continue gaining followers for their cause. One by one, step by step, as they have always done, as they always will.


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