The Big Bang Tontery



Date: 24 July 2021, 22:30 Saturday
Past events
  • 17 July 2021, 22:30 Saturday
  • 10 July 2021, 22:30 Saturday


The Big Bang generated the greatest nonsense that has ever existed: humanity. And humanity, in turn, created Gerard Borrell, a fool of those who like him. Or so he thinks.
Now to follow his amazing cycle of cosmic life, Gerard Borrell returns with his legendary magic and comedy show, the classic of all time,
but with more nonsense than ever. And look that the bar is too high.
Its only interstellar purpose is to roll it brown, and that is why it is not essential to have studied it, because there are no exams here, no college geeks, no role-playing games; it only requires an audience willing to do anything, wanting to have fun and, above all, laugh without prejudice.

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