Mario Ezno: The adventures of Manolo Bolaño



Date: 8 July 2023, 22:30 Saturday


This show is born on the street, Manolo Bolaño (puppet) is a hooligan character who comes to life through the strings moved by Mario Ezno, who with music and improvisation create a unique comic game. After having traveled the streets of more than 55 countries, this show reaches the theater where you will once again be your inner child, your old man or whatever you already are. Enjoy the skill of a puppeteer that will make you smile on fire. It is a unique show that is born from experience. Totally international because we use gestural and object theater, it is a very fun and new show so that in the first seconds the public is completely absorbed, it is intended for all children from 0 to 100 years old, and the line of action resides in the musical interpretation with well-known international songs to which improvisation is added through listening with the public.


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