Presentation of the book "Poem in the form of a rose", by Pier Paolo Pasolini



Date: 29 September 2022, 18:30 Thursday


The first matter on which Pasolini wrote Poema en forma de rosa are the diaris de filming of Mamma Roma and L'Evangeli segons Mateu; the trips to Africa, the Arabia and Israel to find movie locations; the resistance to ideological persecution and the diaries of two judicial processes due to the scandal of his seve works.
Pasolini will excel as a writer and filmmaker and will participate in the great debates of modernity from creative freedom, critical radicalism and personal honesty.

Speaking with Juana Dolores Romero, actress and writer, and Albert Elduque, critic and reader of Audiovisual Communication at UPF, on the grounds of the publication of the book by Edicions Poncianes and the centenary of the filmmaker's birth.



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