

Fecha: 21 - 23 Septiembre 2021
Los eventos pasados
  • 14 - 18 Septiembre 2021
  • 7 - 11 Septiembre 2021
  • 3 - 4 Septiembre 2021


BARCELONA CONTEMPORARY is a contemporary art fair that presents collective and solo projects by leading and emerging international artists. The 3rd edition represents a forum for direct exchange of ideas and contacts between collectors, artists, photographers, designers and art professionals. The art fair features paintings, sculptures, photography art, installations, video art and live performance.
BARCELONA CONTEMPORARY, organized by ITSLIQUID Group, will be held in Barcelona, at Valid World Hall Gallery from September 03 to September 23, 2021.
Valid World Hall Gallery
c/ Buenaventura Muñoz 6, 08018 Barcelona, Spain
September 04 - 23, 2021
Tuesday - Friday | 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM and 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Saturday | 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Alexandre Akar . France | Giancarlo Alberti . Chile | Maria Aparici . Spain | Ruth Arbiser . France | Georgia Ark . Spain | Marc Aronson . USA | Pepita Basilius . Germany | Gretchen Beck . USA | Juliane Blasquez . France | Valentina Brostean Varga . Spain | Alexandru Buescu . Romania | Giuseppe Caridi . Italy | André d’Orcay . Germany | Maria Del Valle Dellacasagrande . Italy | Tom Dugdale . USA | Nataliya Elmer . Austria | Theo Emil . Austria | Maria Evseeva . Russia | Christian Garcia-Olivo . USA | Gabriele Gaspardis . Italy | Sabina Georgescu . Romania | Elisabetta Giraudi . Canada | Meredith Glisson . USA | Peter Gochè . USA | Michal Greg . Poland | Kaori Hiraiwa . Germany | Lynn Jaanz . Australia | SOHA Jeong Kyoung-Mee . South Korea | Heidi Kaas . Denmark | Maria Kalatzi . Greece | Kelly Jean Gillow . USA | Alice Kim | Ieva Klingenberga . Latvia/Italy | Brigit Kovax . UK | Ana Maksimova . Finland | Gloria Manzanares Romero . Spain/USA | Davide Maria Seme . Italy | Olly Marchenko . Russia Federation | Christina Mitterhuber . Austria | Arturo Morin . Mexico | Neil Lorenzo . UK | Paola Nicotra . Italy | Julia Peker Mokhovikova . Ukraine | Giuseppe Pisasale . Italy | Alexandru-Ștefan Răduţă . Romania | Randy Rocchi . USA | Gary Scott . UK | Serina Tara . Turkey | Nancy Van Wichelen . Belgium | Oriol Vaz . Spain | Marco A. Vignati . Italy | Irina Vytyaganets . Spain | Root Yarden . Israel | Bülent Yildirim . Turkey | Katarzhina Zakharova . Russia | Piera Zürcher . Portugal | Natalia Zvonkova . Russia


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