Flamenco Esencia show and tapas with a flamenco dancer


  • Flamenco Esencia show and tapas with a flamenco dancer


Fecha: 24 Febrero 2024, 19:30 Sábado
Los eventos pasados
  • 23 Febrero 2024, 19:30 Viernes
  • 18 Febrero 2024, 19:30 Domingo
  • 17 Febrero 2024, 19:30 Sábado


Conoce a una bailaora de flamenco con trayectoria internacional, aprende de la historia del flamenco, prueba las tapas locales y asiste al espectáculo más íntimo de Sevilla.

Nos vemos en Triana, en la esquina del banco Santander, calle San Jacinto número 1. Visitamos 3 bares de tapas para disfrutar de la gastronomia tipica. Una bailaora es su anfitriona y le va a hablar de la historia del flamencomientras tapeamos. Y a lo mejor al final, le ve en escenario!

La experiencia más local que puede tener.

Incluido: 3 tapas, 3 bebidas y espectáculo


Meet a flamencodancer, talk about the history of flamenco with her, have the most delicious and local tapas, and see the smallest, most intimate show in Seville. The perfect, most local and inside experience you can have in Seville.

We will meet at 1930 on the corner of San Jacinto street, with only your group, always private. We will take you to three local bars, where we order the most local tapas for you. Of course we take in consideration any allergies, preferences or other foodrestictions, just let us know at the start of the tour. While we eat and get to know each other, the dancer will tell you about the flamencohistory and all you might want to know about flamenco art.

The show starts at 2030 although we are not always to puntual.... and is at least an hour, sometimes more. We always try to have dancers as your guide

Included: 3 drinks and 3 tapas and tickets to the show.


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