


Date: 26 October 2021, 21:00 Tuesday
Price: 10 €


"We are facing a true jewel, a monumental, authentic and inspired album beyond measure."

This is how Jason Cenador defines Luback's third album for La Heavy magazine: “The Measure of the Step” (March 2021).

In this latest work, the people of Madrid show the result of almost a decade polishing their mix of rock, soul, blues and folk with American roots.

After publishing several previews and shaking media such as Radio 3, Rock FM, Mariskal Rock, Mondo Sonoro, La Heavy, La1 de TVE, Telemadrid, Sol Música and many others, and after passing through Los Conciertos de Radio 3, the album was presented in Madrid and the powerful and careful live performance of the band was released to improve the high expectations created.

The subsequent tour, despite the current difficulties, has taken them to Toledo, Asturias, Cantabria, Alicante… where they already know what these stage animals are capable of.

Now, as they themselves say, they prepare their concert in the Galileo hall "as if it were the last". They were waiting for the right moment to prepare something very special in this room, and it seems that the moment has come.


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