Manuel García



Date: 12 September 2020, 21:30 Saturday


Manuel García returns to Spain. The Chilean singer-songwriter returns to our country to present his solo tour in several Spanish cities: Caminante. On October 12 (holiday) he will perform in the mythical Galileo Galilei hall, a concert that will be added this 2020 to those of the celebration of his 50th birthday at the Nescafé de las Artes Theater in Santiago de Chile.

The Arican announces that he will continue in Spain the tour that has taken him to Mexico, Argentina and Chile, backed by large audiences in the three countries.

Caminante is a project in which the artist, provided only with his guitar, shares in a deliberately intimate environment, a repertoire in which he combines his most classical compositions with others that have faithfully accompanied him on his pilgrimage, in which it translates as an anthological tour of his own musical history.

Walker is not a name chosen at random. There is in the concept of pilgrimage an almost mystical union between those who travel through different places and the experiences of each of the different personal and cultural contexts that appear on the trip. This more limited format opens, curiously, new possibilities for the public that attends each concert. Accompanying Manuel on this sonorous path we will not only listen to a curious artist who has always been interested in reflection and knowledge of human beings and their feelings and adventures, but we will be able to move forward with him, experiencing the journey that the artist has shared with colleagues from different origins, in a dialogue between different musical genres and cultures, as he has been doing since he began his professional career three decades ago. In fact,

It is always good news for an artist to propose a moment of reflection. By immersing ourselves in the work of Manuel García, we will find a unique way of seeing the world, observing it, feeling it and thinking about it. Caminante is, in these times of incandescent social effervescence, a must.


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